Research is in… now let the real work begin

I am tickled to share the scholarly aspect of Real Live Angels with anyone who is inclined to read such papers. It’s part of my Master of Arts in Journalism that I received this month from the University of Oklahoma.

You can read the research HERE or by visiting the RESEARCH tabs on the pulldown menu here on the website. What did I learn form the first half dozen screenings and the interviews done with so many folks? That the message is valuable, that a variety of people were touched and perhaps even moved, and that, if the funds to support the research existed, I could prove it with data. But moving forward I want to focus resources on getting the movie seen.


That  means saving my pennies and hopefully getting it into as many festivals as possible, sharing it at camps, venues, schools, churches, anywhere the messages of inclusion and volunteerism resonate. And then who knows, maybe more I will get the chance to tell more stories form here. For now, I’m still flying high among Real Live Angels.

Brent Weber


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